Opened earwire "RYBKA DUZA", height about 32mm, weight about 0,33g/piece, fineness of silver 925
Open earring AKS3 with ball and a spring, diameter of a wire 0,7mm, weight about 0,28g/piece
Open earring with a square, diameter of a wire 0,7, size about 25*12mm, weight about 0,3g/piece, fineness of silver 925
Open earwire 7547+KS, with a spring and a ball, weight: 0,31g/piece, fineness of silver 925
Open earwire 7547+S, with a spring, weight: 0,28g/piece, fineness of silver 925
Open earwire 7021+KS, with a spring and a ball, weight: 0,31g/piece, fineness of silver 925
Earpin RS33 with "tutka" bell pendant with hook. Heigth 23mm, diameter of a bell: 5.6mm, length of hook: 3mm, weigth: 1,72g/pair, fineness of silver 925