Bahco 2101G-125 features: Side cutters developed according to the ERGO™...
Bahco 2101G-140 features: Side cutters developed according to the ERGO™...
Bahco 2101G-160 features: Side cutters developed according to the ERGO™...
Small tube for clamping (very ofter it is used instead of small beads),...
Polishing pastes
Menzerna paste G52, superfinish, gives perfect shine, to final hand polishing amber, white.
Polishing paste TF4, for final amber polish and other plastics, packed in 1kg
Polishing paste PP30 for final polish a color metals and stainless steel, packed about 1,2kg
Rekord polishing paste, brown paste for grinding amber, silver and metals, packed 1,1kg
Dialux blue paste. Universal for polishing all metals. Unique results after using with silver.
Green paste Dialux, for polishing hard metals as cobalt, chrome, platinum. Can be used as firstly polisher for silver.
Polishing paste LUXOR, pink, for beggining (erasing bigger scratches and fixing the surface) for all metals, graininess 6,5 micron, weight: 110g.
Polishing paste LUXOR, green, for beggining (erasing small scratches), for all metals, graining 3 microns, weight 110g